Doesn't it just seem like just yesterday 2018 was being heralded in? Now we stand at the crossroads of a new beginning once again. And for many of us that means resolving to do something good for ourselves in the coming year.
Maybe this year you would finally start up a business,get a job buy a car, start living, not letting go of opportunities that come your way...By the way those are great resolutions.
But unfortunately, we start off with the best intentions but only a few rarely achieve anything because we started off on the wrong foot.
But wait oo..Do you really need to make a "new year's resolution" ?!? In my opinion you shouldn't and here's WHY
Resolutions are illusion's people cloud themselves with in a bid to living a better life but then halfway or at the end of January they give up. Come to think of it, why is January very long?!? Like it doesn't wanna end?🤔. Anyways... Why most persons give up on their new year's resolution is that they try to do something they've never been able to accomplish. They are sure in for a serious struggle. If you haven't been able to make it work before, What will change this time? Many end up failing in keeping resolutions because they make unrealistic goals.
If you're making a resolution because it's that time of the year again and all your friends and family members are doing it, it isn't good at all. Another reason new year's resolution isn't what you need is that, mist persons think of it as brief fleeting goals(goals for the moment).
And on this basis I say rather than make RESOLUTIONS make PLANS.
A plan is a series of action that you can take, things you can "do" in order to reach your goal. A plan is also the ordering of your priorities in a bid to accomplishing a desired goal. It is deciding in advance what,why,where,when and who(m) in accomplishing your set goals for the new year. For instance, you wanna build a house in 2019, you first decide what type of structure am i erupting?, What do I want to build a house in 2019 and not any other year?, Where do I wanna build it? Urban or rural area? Populated or densely populated area?, And who/which contractor or architect am i hiring their services?.
Remember the common saying " If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail" Don't just enter 2019 without a blueprint, planning helps you eliminate unnecessary things and people off your life ergo achieving your goals. And NOTE that planning involves critical logical/rational reasoning - you have to weigh yourself, know your comparative advantage and work with it as this would help you not to set and plan unrealistic goals.
* Personal/Individual Planning: You have to plan your life, finance, plan how to be more productive and also plan your usage of time and resources at your disposal. How to spend each day,week,month. Plan your relationships ( who should be your friend or not) and again plan your time. Said it before and I'm repeating it because time is one of the irrecoverable things in life . You can never go back in time to make amends and who and what you spend it on determines your priority.
* Organizational/Institutional Planning: This is mostly for organizations or businesses. Plan how you want you business to function; who is doing what, when, how and where. This will lead to efficiency and effectiveness. Plan for posterity not only for the present
* Family Planning: Don't get it twisted, although it also involves the act of child birth. But ehn... So because God told us to multiply and fill the face of the earth with fruit, are you the only one he told?!? Is it your sole responsibility/purpose in earth?? Why you come carry am for head like gala?!?
Plan your family's finance-Don't spend the small change you have trying to impress people that are too busy thinking of how to better their own life. One know cause of financial problems in a family is living above your income. Remember your financial responsibilities while spending unnecessarily.
REMEMBER while planning, don't set unrealistic goals but Incase your plans are not working our greatly as it ought, Set another less stressful more achievable goal. There's no limit to Planning and every plan must have a TIME FRAME or its just a resolution
Happy New Year
"Don't Torelate less than you deserve".
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