What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it." ~ Unknown I really love this quote as it's a powerful reminder that each day of our lives should be spent doing something we love, feel passionate about and that makes us truly fulfilled. Although I believe we all know this deep down, many people still sacrifice their happiness for a paycheck, approval from others or some other external reason. If you've ever felt as if there was something standing in your way of living a passion filled life that you love, try these 4 steps to invite more passion into your life today. Step #1: Focus on the things that bring you joy - Write down 5 things that you truly enjoy doing. It can be anything ~ reading, writing, hanging with friends, dancing etc. Once you know these things, fit a chunk of time for each activity into your weekly schedule. Doing even a few things that you love on a consistent basis can dramatically inc...