3 Powerful Life Lessons From The Chinese Bamboo There is something amazing about Chinese bamboo and the way it grows. Once you plant it, you need to water it, nurture it, and fertilize it every day. But nothing happens the first year. You do the same thing the next year, and still nothing happens. That’s right, you see no results for 4 long years! You’re waiting for results, not seeing any evidence of progress. Can you imagine yourself doing the same things every day, not having any evidence that your efforts are having any effect? The only thing you know, is that the result is supposed to come in 4 years. But then what happens on the fifth year is just awesome. One morning you wake up and see a small bamboo sprig, then the next day an even bigger one and in 5 weeks it has grown up to 90 ft. (27 meters)! WOW! When I have heard this amazing story for the first time, I was stunned – really? Yes, this is how Chinese bamboo grows. Three powerful lessons about suc...
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